You need to focus on where the attack came from. I don't know anyone who is against the war in Afghanistan, even though there are suspicious oil contacts there too.
We had an unprovoked attack in Spain and if you believe the reports then numerous terrorist cells have been broken up, so preventing other atrocities.
There were American individuals and corporations listed in the report too. They were the ones under the big black marks. The report also found that Saddam had no capacity to attack the US and was only maintaining plans to rearm because he felt a threat from Iran. We'd have known that years ago if the US hadn't been so quick to dismiss the UN. That's another reason we'd like to be able to influence your election - we've learned since WW2 that a multilateral approach and negotiating is much better than unilateralism and war. We're also greatful for the US (and not forgetting Russia's part in the liberation of Europe) for giving us the chance to learn that lesson. It's very sad that so much is talked about Europeans being anti-American when this just isn't the case. On 12 September 2001 a French newspaper headline read "We're all Americans now". Bush has thrown away so much of the good will that America had post 9/11 and we're anti-Bush, not anti-American.