I did it. In retrospect, I shouldn't have got a student loan. I didn't *need* the money but it came in handy to pay bills that I had at the time. Instead of working 5 days per week I only worked 3 so I guess I did need it because otherwise I wouldn't have been able to keep my sanity while working 40hrs and taking 12 credit hours. My grades would have really suffered.
When I got my loan I had a P1 with a 20MB HDD. I actually did need to buy a computer with it. However, I didn't get a great PC, just one that was good enough (P3). Nowdays I can't afford to pay my loan so I've had it in forebearance for about a year. It just keeps building interest till I can get a new job that pays more. Luckily it is under 4% so the int doesn't build up too fast.
If all your other shit is paid for, do it.