Originally Posted by hannukah harry
i think if you're into new releases and older popular movies (the kind you know blockbuster will have in-store) then blockbuster is probably the better one. but if you like the random/foreign/classic whatever movies that aren't all that likely to be in-store, go with netflix. i saw more classic movies that way than i'd ever seen before i got netflix (but then i got poor  ) can't wait to get it back again.
Actually, if you're into eclectic movies, like foreign films, classics, or just rare DVDs, you might want to try GreenCine. It's a community-based DVD rental site, sort of like TFP for movies, and has a lot of good recommendations and lists from its users, as well as primers on different movie genres and so forth. They also carry a lot more foreign films, anime, and weird stuff than Netflix, with the same pricing scheme. They also carry adult movies, which might interest some TFPers ;-)
However, if you're not located in California, you're probably better off with the shipping times from Netflix, as GreenCine only has California warehouses, as far as I'm aware.