The standard response to an airplane hijacking in America is to send fighters to intercept, either to assist, or (as a last resort) to shoot them down. This happens within four minutes of the conformation of the hijacking itslef. That is the official response by the Airforce.
Unfortunatally, on September 11, 2001, the fighers never left the ground. The United States government knew about the hijackings, but the planes stayed on the ground. Could the fighters have intercepted the planes hijacked? Yes. Could they have dissuaded the hijackers from their misson? Who knows. Could they have saved the lives of those in and around the twin towers and in the pentagon on 9/11 by forcing the planes down, one way or another? Yes.
Now I realize that some peoples conclusions drawn from that information may be considered by some to be paranoia, but you have to wonder why the planes didn't leave the ground. The fighters were sitting in the field for the 2 hours between the strikes on the North and South towers.
This issue, along with numerous others, were not addressed by the 9/11 commission, a commission that was created to determine why the terrorist acts on 9/11 were a success. According to the 9/11 Commission Report ( available at ) at 8:26 AM eastern time, the hijacking was confimed. That was American flight 11. At 8:46 (20 minutes later) that plane crashed into the North tower. At 8:47, after the initial strike, United flight 175 changed beacon codes twice within a minute and deviated from the assigned altitude. At 9:03 United flight 175 struck the South Tower. At 9:10 American flight 77 was confirmed hijacked. The only person to take action was American Airlines Executive Vice President Gereard Arpey, who grounded all American flights after learning of the hijacking. At 9:37 American flight 77 hit the Pentagon (according to the press and government). NORAD, who was aparently looking for cruise missles or something, completly ignored the hijackings.
I have to ask: Why did the planes sit on the ground? Why did the 4 minute or less response turn into almost an hour (8:26 to after 9:37)?
Note: to all those who would claim this is for Tilted Paranoia, these facts and questions are all based solely on the NORAD Response to Hijacking and the 9/11 Commission Reoprt Sec 1 "We Have Some Planes". Both of these sources are offocial government documents that are supported and recognized internationally.