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Old 10-15-2004, 12:54 PM   #17 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights
Or...oh, I dunno...Badnarik!
I think that's a good point. Where were Nader and Badnarik? Well I can tell you what heppened to Badnerik: ON OCTOBER 8, 2004 MICHAEL BADNARIK WAS ARRESTED WHILE TRYING TO ENTER THE DEBATES IN ST. LOUIS!! Didn't know about that? Well...The USA Today, Atlanta Journal, Chicago Tribune, San Francisco Chronicle, San Jose Mercury News, New York Daily News, Seattle Times, Indianapolis Star, Boston Globe, Seattle Post Intelligencer, Miami Herald, San Francisco Chronicle, San Diego Union Tribune, Kansas City Star and a long list of other so-called newspapers decided for whatever reason to spike the story. Aparently the leader of the third largest political party in the US, the Libratarians, being arrested outside the St. Lois debates isn't news.

The media blackout this entire campaign for Michael Badnarik is easily explained. The Libertarians do not have alot of money for ads and the Republicans and the Democrats do. There has obviously been an unspoken rule put into play across the board to not include Badnarik in any polls or to even mention his name. This circular logic keeps anyone, even someone from a political party that has been on the ballot in all 50 states since 1992, from ever reaching the magic 15% mark required for inclusion in the debates. And without being in the debates, it is virtually impossible to win an election. Or at least that is what Bush and Kerry are banking on.

Since Bush came to power there has been a steady attack on Freedom and Rights in America. The Patriot Act, secret courts, endorsed torture, endorsed torture via foreign cooperation, people locked up for holding a sign or having a bumper sticker not in favor of our current President, all in the name of the war on terror, justified by the 9-11 tragedy, the details of which President Bush has been working hard to make sure you don't find out about. With Patriot Act 2, the draft, and compulsory community service looming on the horizon, a future with Bush or Kerry in power does not look well for the Freedom-minded Americans that made this country great, and we are not sitting idly by.

It is incumbent on all of us Americans to insist that U.S. citizens have a meaningful opportunity to meet with lawyers and present their side of the story -- and to insist that courts know what they're talking about before consigning people to their fates. It is also incumbant upon us to inform ourselves, since the Press is AWOL, about ALL of the choices available for the Presidency on November 2ND.
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