I've seen all sorts of body armor at Military Surplus stores here in Texas. The prices vary but its not cheap. Assuming you get something you could probably mail it. I should think his wife would know how to mail letters, gifts, that sort of thing. I seem to remember a group here in Texas that sent body armor or something of that ilk to servicemen in Iraq so I know it can be done. You'd need to know his unit, where stationed that sort of thing for sure. The military tries to make sure mail gets through to keep up morale. With a large package it might get searched or something but I think it would get through. Maybe put a note with it saying "Here's something to help you stay safe, your loving family" so any yahoo thinking of taking it for themself might reconsider. You also might check to see if there is an approved items list of things you can send or let his immediate superior know you are sending it. I'm not in the military so I'm just throwing out ideas. Sounds like a good thing you are doing, good luck.