Originally Posted by pwang7
I know for a fact, that the Chinese really like and respect Clinton as president. He created some of the strongest ties to China in history. He was also one of (if not) the first presidents to walk the Great Wall. Considering that China is in an economic boom at the moment, we will do better with more ties there.
Agreed, If anything China will be the next "super power" if the US doesn't stay with the ties and also keeps its technology with in its borders. That’s what I am more afraid of than terrorism; it’s a war with China. And now that looks highly doubtful. But who knows if we get in a fight with North Korea all hell may break lose.
Originally Posted by thefictionweliv
I believe now the French may have crossed the line of future assistance however before if it was them we would have come to their aid. I think them not supporting our decision was a great slap in the face to the many living vetrans who prevented them from speaking German. Oh right....we got a statue, yeah, well I guess we can call it even.
As an American I am sicken by this rhetoric. I do believe that if it wasn’t for the French helping us in the American revolution, and footing a huge amount of the men and money to run the last half of that war. Tony Blair would be running our lives not GW