Has anyone else noticed this???
In a previous thread, I noticed that the TFP members to my left spent more time listening to Conservative Talk Radio then I do (which, on a different note, I find quite amusing).
That got me thinking about why I don't listen to Rush, O'Reilly, Hannity or whomever and I really couldn't think of a good reason. On the whole, I don't disagree with them, I just don't enjoy listening to their shows.
Anyway, something happened last night that reminded me why these guys annoy me.
I went out for late night take-out last night and had my radio tuned to a local AM station. As this is not a normal time for me to be in the car, I had no idea who would be on the radio. It turns out that the Talk Show host was none other then Michael Savage. In my opinion, Savage is to Conservative Talk Radio as Art Bell is to Conspiracy Radio, so I never listen to the guy.
Instead of switching the channel, I listened for the few minutes it took to get to Panda Express and one thing struck me: This guy plans his show around The Drudge Report. No kidding, everything I heard him talk about had been a headline at some time yesterday on Drudge (Drudge Report is one of my homepages).
Then I remembered that they all seem to do that (I have never listened to Hannity or O'Reilly, so I don't know about them). Local or national, they all seem to pull their stories from Matt Drudge, even Rush. No kidding. Browse the Drudge Report during the day while listening to Conservative Talk Radio and you will see what I mean. You can practically predict what the talking points will be in any upcoming show.
Why listen to their opinionated blather? I can get the same stories without the noise by just checking out Drudge.
So, in a nutshell, that is why I don't like most conservative talk radio (I have two that I will listen to - neither use Drudge as their constant source). They don't do anything for themselves, they just copy from someone else. Hell, I could copy Drudge stories all day long and yammer about them on the radio, what makes them special?
My Question:
1) Has anybody else noticed this? Is it annoying to them as well?
2) If you listen to Liberal Radio, do the stories seem to come from the same source?