That sounds like a great place to live, if you don't mind freezing your ass off most of the year!
Seriously though, Finland is the size of Montana with only 5 million and some change people. I would think any country that size should be doing pretty well simply due to logistics. Vast countries like the US, Russia, Canada- they have to spend a lot of money just on infrastructure and shit. I just think a smaller scale country can probably accomplish things a little easier and quicker.
But obviously they all don't so I'm not saying this to detract from their props. The Finnish know how to carry out a plan and make things work. That's completely awesome and I wish the US would start acting that way!
I always say I'm moving to New Zealand if Bush gets re-elected here... maybe I'll have to look into moving to Finland instead!
Thought for the day: Men are like fine wine. They start out as grapes, and it's up to the women to stomp the crap out of them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with.