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Old 10-15-2004, 05:14 AM   #50 (permalink)
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Location: USS George Washington
Originally Posted by Stompy
Like I explained above, they teach the golden rule to kids, "Treat others like you want to be treated." That goes for everyone, authority figure or not (to me, anyway). I don't give a fuck if you're a teacher, a cop, or the president himself: if you disrespect me, you'll get it right back.
But how much respect do you really deserve from your teacher when you show up late for class on a regular basis and then cuss her out? Inexcusable. You can't demand someone else's respect without giving it to them first. Ever thought to look at it that way? Apparently, this kid didn't either. That's how civilized society works.

Parents have nothing to do with this, either. That's a cop-out excuse because people are always looking to blame others when a problem doesn't really exist. Kids will be kids. Teenagers have always been rebellious. You said yourself, at 17 they're no longer a kid and should know better.
You're right, at 17 they should know better. THEIR PARENTS SHOULD HAVE TAUGHT THEM TO KNOW BETTER. How else are they going to know?
As I said above, if I did that at 17, it would in no way shape or form affect how my parents raised me because I'm my own person. You did shit at 17, I'm sure, so the stuff you did... did that reflect at all on how your parents raised you? Nope, and you know that.

But anyway... issue a detention/suspension and that's it. Be done with it, move on with life. Simple.

And it was a deputy HALL MONITOR, farrrrrr from a police officer That's like saying the rent-a-cops at the mall are police officers. No, they're the ones that try to contain you while they call the real cops in.
So detain/suspend the kid. What happens next week? Another suspension? And then the week after that? What's your plan of action for a negative cycle of behavior that by everyone's admission, this person is displaying? And what of the example he sets for his peers, that this sort of behavior will only result in a minor token suspension, since "kids are kids?"

I don't know... maybe because I've been in the military for 9 years now and such a blatant disregard or disrespect for authority is unthinkable, because everyone already knows the consequences involved, but is this what it's really like out there today when kids know authority figures are afraid to hold them accountable? Have kids today really that little respect for people in authority positions? I for one hope this kid gets the wake-up call he surely needs.

The First Amendment has nothing to do with this. He's not cutting an album, he doesn't have a television show or movie, he's not writing articles in the paper. He's mouthing off to his teacher, which he knows is wrong and believes nothing will come out of it. He hopefully will find out the hard way that in life, your actions have consequences.

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