I was raised Baptist as well and was fearful of anything like this. Logically if (IF) it was used ONLY for the purpose stated here it could be useful. Not everyone would really need this but those with special medical needs, i.e. those who would wear medical ID bracelets, would benefit from this. The only problem with this is medical professionals WITH the equipement to scan and the records available on that person. I still think it would be better for those people to wear their ID bracelets so that first responders and those who assist in an emergency before the professionals get there are more aware of what the person needs. For example a diabetic can be helped but may be unable to communicate their problem, a person with an asthma problem can be given their inhaler, a person with a heart condition could be given their tablets. But if the information is on the inside of the person instead of on a chain or bracelet no one will know until the professionals arrive which can sometimes take too long. I personally would not use it except for medication allergies or something else that isn't as time critical. Also - how will the professionals know who is tagged and who isn't without checking everyone? Could take up useful time if there is no tag.
Personally if people don't want to wear a tag I think a small tattoo somewhere with the same kind of information as a Medical ID tag would have would be more useful.
Besides - I DO NOT want the government or anyone else knowing EVERYWHERE I go. It's bad enough that I can't go anywhere in my town it seems without my Mom finding out.

But that's a small town. I can see the GPS thing being useful though to find lost children or hikers but it should be an optional thing.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.