Originally Posted by Fremen
feel-g once saw a 6ft. rabbit smoking bud in his backyard.
So he walked up to him to bum a hit, when the crazy bastige sucker-punched feel-g in the nutz and told him, "That's from my friend Shultzy." "He said next time, don't leave his cat taped to the toilet tank all night, don't molest his mother-in-law more than twice an evening, and NEVER drink his last beer!"
I think feel-g got the message.
Fremen's nick-name for himself is "his mother-in-law."
The words "love" and "life" go together. It is almost as if they are one. You must love to live, and you must live to love, or you have never lived nor loved at all.
Originally Posted by Zeraph
...the best way to keep a big secret would be to make it public with disinformation...