Okay, take this for what it's worth...
A friend of mine, bought a new motherboard (an ASRock as well (K7VT4A)), processor and a big stick of ram. Couldn't get XP to load all the way (It would reboot right after the bootscreen went away) We tried re-installing XP and it would get to 99% and it would re-boot or give us a BSOD. We tested his RAM, his hard drive, his video card and nothing seemed to work. As a last resort we replaced his weak-ass power supply with a bigger one and suddenly it works.
I don't know if this is your problem, but it sounds similar. What was in the PC before? Does the new mobo/cpu draw a significantly more power?
I'd certainly do all that's been suggested. Swap in another drive, check the temp, test the memory, maybe check for any on-board settings/jumpers that are incorrect, all commendable solutions, but I'd check the PS as well. It just sounds so similar....
No signature. None. Seriously.
Last edited by guthmund; 10-14-2004 at 10:00 PM..