Originally Posted by OpieCunningham
Are you really trying to convince me that the tax cuts didn't heavily target the rich?
If the rich aren't paying their share because they are able to take advantage of loopholes out of reach of the middle class, it's inherently imbalanced even with the progressive nature of our tax system.
And I won't even get into the reality that due to the nature of a capitalist society, it is a requirement that the upper class gets taxed more than the middle and lower.
The rich dont all have taxloopholes.
Thats the truth..
Only the VERY Rich do-I know lots of people that make over 200k and I know a hella lot of them dont use loopholes ( i talked to them)
Taking money from the most productive members of society to give it to the least...
If we just went to a FLAT tax rate- say 17% LIFe would be so much easier