In reality the American Presidential election is an important issue for
Granted I'm not a big fan of the methodology, but I can't fault the British from becoming involved the only way they know how. They certainly can't cast a vote, but they can plead the case.
Rest assured, my fellow Americans, the fate of the Presidency isn't in the hands of foreigners and it's not like they're trying to rig the election; they're just writing letters. It's no different then when you write letters to express your concern with corporate policy; it's no different when churches write letters to the networks. They're just letters. I just don't see how it could hurt. If anything, it might, god forbid, get people talking.
The world at large has as much to lose as the American people in this next election. American Presidents have always had a heavy hand in the world forum, nevermore so than the present and America's influence in world affairs doesn't seem to be declining anytime soon.
We should be interested in the elections of other countries. We should be knowledgable in worldwide politics. Their elections affect us as well. We should give a shit about who's in charge in Canada, Mexico, England, France, Germany and the list goes on.... It's knowledge, I'll admit, I wasn't too interested at first, but I'm doing my best to correct it.
BTW, I don't give a shit if Arnold Schwarz...whatever ( I can't spell it

) wants to be President. I would imagine the first question should be "Is he qualified?" not "Is he naturalized or not?" That, however, seems to be the first requirement culled when running for public office lately.