Originally Posted by cthulu23
So what is it? It isn't the 12% that is claimed in the linked press release.
You're absolutely right it isn't the 12% and I never claimed that it was. In 2003 John Kerry paid a rate of 22.9% in Federal taxes. According to the 2003 tax tables a person who is married filing separately with an income of greater than $155,975 should pay $42,194 as a base and then 35% of the amount over $155975. That would have put Kerry at a 31.9% rate. I know I would love to be able to get almost a 10% reduction in what I pay in taxes but I do not have the knowledge or the resources that Mr Kerry (or Mr Bush or any number of our other elected leaders) has.
I do not fault them for paying as little as they can. I do fault them for claiming that the "rich" should be paying more and claiming that they would be glad to contribute more and yet they use every possible method of avoiding them.