I'm picking on them because they are the "3rd party" getting the most attention right now. The Libertarians just have so many issues bass-ackwards. The policies that they suggest regarding environmental health, safety regulations, and such are retroactive instead of being proactive.
Letting the "market decide" what is right for pollution control suggests that instead of making sure that pollution doesn't get out of control you let it go until it harms enough people to get a class action lawsuit going. This gets stuck in the court system for years and in the end, the big business might win and nothing gets accomplished.
With a federal organization like the EPA the problem never arises because that company has had to demonstrate that they are doing everything possible to keep pollution minimized on an annual basis. If they are out of compliance, penalties can range from fines to a complete shutdown of the plant. Even if the courts had that authority to shut a plant down, it would take years for it to happen.