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Old 10-14-2004, 02:00 PM   #20 (permalink)
KMA-628 off his were warned.
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Location: The Wild Wild West
connyosis -

The vintage WMD's were all over the news here in the states.

How old are you? I specifically remember years and years of public displays of American hatred. Does the name Reagan ring a bell? Your age has a lot to do with this argument, because this is not a new problem for us. Most of us have been dealing with it for decades.

If we were so liked, then what was up with all of the attacks against us in the 90's? Why were the Marines massacred in Beirut? What about the hostages during Carter? Vietnam?

This is not new, but I suspect, it is new to you.

Call me elitist, but I don't give a squirt what another country thinks of us. I hear all of the whining and complaining, then I look at the money/industry/military assistance/training/importing/exporting/etc. that they receive from the US.

Every country that is bitching and griping about our President being the devil would also be the first ones knocking on our door for help from the same man that they call the devil.

And guess what?

We would help them. Regardless of the bile that spews from their mouths.

Now, who is the better country?

We don't talk the talk, but we will walk the walk. We have proven it time and time again. And when help is needed, where do you go? To the country that talks or the country that backs up their words?

/I apologize in advance for the rant--this topic really grates on me.
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