Well I guess having travelled all over the world then obviously does not mean you know everything about the world.
50+ WMDs? Where the hell did that figure come from? Last time I checked THERE WAS NONE! The Bush administration even admitted that.
As for Saddam, I am not saying he was a good guy, he was an ass and I think most people will agree on that. People does not want Saddam back into power since he was a shitty leader, ok? The thing is though, you had no reason to go into Iraq, and I'm sorry to have to break this to you, Bush did not enter because he felt that the poor Iraqis needed your help, no matter what he wants you to believe. Diplomacy would have worked, even though Bush tries to convince the world it wouldn't.
Your own president lied to you and you think that's ok? It's a weird world indeed...
If atheism is a religion, then not collecting stamps is a hobby.