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Old 10-14-2004, 01:00 PM   #18 (permalink)
Location: BFE
How many WMDs did Saddam have to have to "have WMDs"? Isn't 50+ WMDs enough?

We went against the entire world? There were 30 countries involved to one extent or another. The "biggies" were the US and England. In Gulf War 1, care to guess who put up the majority of the troops?

We're in a war against terrorism. Not a war against some terrorists, but against ALL terrorists, and the nations that aid them. Saddam INDISPUTABLY aided terrorists. This is beyond doubt, since Aziz admitted so while acting as a spokesperson for hte regime.

I'll tell you what. If Saddam was so NOT an evil bastard that had to go, what would you say to the idea that the US reaches a deal with him, and puts him back into power? How well would that go over in your vaunted world-opinion poll??? If our war against him was so unjust, why isn't the world clamoring for us to do EXACTLY that? I'll tell you why...because the rest of the world knows we did what needed to be done, but they are too busy hating Bush to give him ANY credit at all.

I've travelled extensively all over the world on business. Europe, Asia, Africa, been there, done that. I'd put money on it that I'm far more well travelled than you are. Remember that when you accuse me of living in my "little world".
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