Originally Posted by SirSeymour
The problem with this is that after those two parties became "major" they would turn into basically what we have now. The two we have now were not always what we have had since the ratification of the Constitution but the basic positions they hold are pretty much what we have had since then. It is a fault in the Federal system of democracy we use that we are plagued with really only two legit choices regardless of who may be on the ballot.
Here is how my test came out:
1) Democratic Party 57%
2) Natural Law Party 57%
3) Green Party 57%
4) Libertarian Party 50%
5) Republican Party 50%
6) Constitution Party 50%
7) Reform Party 43%
I find it really odd that my results look like this because I tend to argue more conservative positions in debates and I usually vote more conservative as well. Of course, I guess it is fairly obvious that I am moderate by looking at how close together everything is here but I am surprised at which side of moderate these results indicate I am.
I don't think that it will necissarily be that way, as the 3rd Party candidates all have a plan for ballot, election reform that would allow the views and candidates from other parties to be put in the open. Essentially they aren't going to forget where they came from. This would better suit America's diversity than the current tyranny of the Rep/Dem parties.