Ok, here is my .2 cents.
All language, including curse words, however foul or obscene, should be protected by the First Amendment, when I was in high school I should have been able to say whatever I wanted. This is not to say that I should be able to call someone whatever I wanted, that is verbal assault, and should not be protected, but if I want to say fuck, bitch, etc; in everyday conversation, not neccesarilly referring to anyone, then I should be able to. I remember I had my shirt taken up because it said "My parents said I could be anything, so I became an asshole". The teacher made me take off the shirt(I had another one on underneath it) and sent it to the principle in my opinion that is just not right. If a kid wants to curse during a normal conversation, legally they should be allowed, but verbally assaulting someone should not be allowed
So if the kid verbally assaulted the teacher or threatened the teacher with bodily harm, then I say they have every right to punish him through charges. But if he just said something like "I don't give a flying fuck", then charges are way out of line.
Apathy: The best outlook this side of I don't give a damn.