Yea its much better to continue with extreme waste and over-bloated government. Just because certain parties' ideas are different doesnt make them dangerous. Over the past 50-75 years our government has done nothing but grow out of control and continue to absorb parts of it's citizen's lives that it should have abslutely no say in whatsoever. The dangerous thing is to allow this to continue. To allow government to continue to balloon out of control and cause things like: burdening future generations with huge deficits from social security and war, and complete corporate control over government.
You know what though? That 1% says a lot. And if everyone who said thy would vote or a 3rd party candidate if they would win would actually go out and do it that number could grow to 7%.. maybe 8% and that would encourage the next wave of people to vote for their real choice and soon that number would raise to 10%.. 15%.. at which point the (D) and (R) communities would be flipping out. As of right now they cant comprehend anyone thinking outside the box and voting for someone that isnt produced by their huge political machines.
Lose control over the Supreme Court? What control is there now? The president himself claims that the court is out of control and imposing itself on things that it should not be. There are checks and balances in every part of our government, the supreme court only has so much power. The house has only so much power. THe president has only so much power. If you think that the whole country will suddenly start to spin out of control because a libertarian or green is elected then you are extremely misguided.
We Must Dissent.