Originally Posted by Lockjaw
So what do you use to get attention from that special someone(or someones...) and how do you use it?
Day to day...
Bathe with tropical zest
Axe Tsunami body spray.
Date night or out on the town...
Bathe with the girly oil of Oly soap...(yeah it's fruity but it smells good makes your skin softer and girls like the smell of it)
no body spray but a few strategic placements of Tommy Freedom.
Tactics for useage...
Day to day...a quick burst of body spray on my t-shirt(I usually wear a white tee under a buttondown or polo) and that's it. Just enough of a scent so that anybody within "personal distance" like a foot or two wil get enough of a wiff to catch the pleasentness of the body spray but without it being overpowering. I found that if you spray it on the cotton t-shirt it will hold the scent longer throughout the day and it won't evaporate like you will have it on the outside shirt and it won't mingle with body scent if you happen to get hot during the day. Sweat and body spray = nasty.
Date night or out on the town...
A small burst on either side of the neck a strategic burst on the mid section(again on the clothes as the scent will transfer better from clothes to other places than if it's on the skin...reason for this given in a moment). Basically any place at the height that the nose of a female might cross. So the neck is for if any nuzzling goes on...the chest is for that close dance or hug she'll catch a perfect whiff of your scent. Again it's not enough for it to make anybody sick from smelling you but in places where it'll do the most good.
Now the trick I picked up from my friend...if you will be out someplace where it might be cold...bring a jacket..but spray your jacket with a couple of bursts of your cologne. So that way if she says she's cold you can loan her your coat..."forget" it and that night if she likes you she will have a reminder of you that hits most of the major senses. Sight,feel, and smell.
This trick works like a charm.
Wow when I first started to read this I thought i was the only one.