Originally Posted by maleficent
I'm 5'9" and rarely ever wear heels, I've dated guys as short as 5'5" -- he seemed to have more of a problem with it than I did - I think the day he was strugging to reach something off a top shelf in my apartment and I just up and grabbed it (I also have long arms) I think he saw that as an affront to his masculinity.
I'm 5'6". Now, had you done that to
me...I'd just be happy that I didn't have to break out with the step stool.

What a quivering mass of insecurity.
Originally Posted by tehpronking
I'm 6'3" and prefer shorter girls, always. I could NEVER date a girl that is taller than me.
Again...I'm 5'6". That attitude would
severely limit my playing field.
Originally Posted by *Nikki*
Being that I am 5'10" height does matter to me. Sorry but I just don't want a short boyfriend. I like to warp my arms around a tall man.

Allright...no ballroom dance lessons for you, Missy.