Originally Posted by dogmeat4u
The sexuality report is like watching the view. The only reason I came to this site was for the titties and now they are gone and all I am letft with is the whining about girls, relationships and feelings. If I wanted to do that I would go home and actually listen to my wife. Who god bless her would like this site as much as watching a whole show on monster trucks.
SO I'm gathering that the only two places you visited were the TB and sexuality. Gee talk about a one track mind. Sure the sexuality board has become (to me anyway) a little whiney..a little jr. highish(as phred put it) but there are so many other areas of this board. Do you like music? There are countless topics in the music section. How about movies or tv shows? Perhaps you could start a thread in there about your dislike of The View and your love for Monster Trucks. Or how about sports? Not a sports fan? Well there is always cooking if you enjoy food. Then we have nonsense which is great for amusing yourself in a manner other than wanking off. DO you live somewhere? I mean there are regional sections for just about everywhere on this planet. How about news and current events? We like to call that General Discussion. If you're into what makes things tick we have Philosophy. Let's not forget one of my favorite places here.. the journals. It's a great place to share things and to also vent if you feel like you need to. And just think that's only the beginning.. there are several areas that open up as you contribute. But I guess you'll never get that far.