Originally Posted by alicat
Oh, so now we know that Locke had some kind of miracle happen to him and that he's the only one who's actually seen the monster/s. He was also only about 15 ft. from the creature and wasn't killed or eaten by it for some reason and didn't tell anyone about it. Also that he was some kind of obsessive phone-sex freak/stalker to Helen. So, last episode they led us to believe he was a good guy with the Vincent/Walt thing and tonight they make him out to be someone you wouldn't want to associate with....weird.
Spoiler: I got the feeling that Locke became depressed after losing the use of his legs, and that Helen was a conselour for a suicidal helpline. Locke seemed like Milton from Office Space before the crash, but now from some miracle he can walk again, and he's got a new backbone. I'm not sure why he wasn't eaten or killed by the monster, but that's assuming it even is a monster/creature. I'm sure that'll get explained in time.
Great show. I hope ABC is smart and at least lets this play out for the rest of the season.
Common sense is uncommon. Ironic, isn't it?