Originally Posted by cybersharp
I dont think that him endangering troops has anything to do with his election chances....and as for the troops.....if your in a different country and are luggin around tanks, guns and enough fire power to wipe out the country.....then i think the only ones endangering them are themselves from there only stupidity if they are trained and still end up getting killed over things that should kill them....plenty of soldeirs have allready died from simple civilian strikes.....how is this possible when only a few civilians have guns and we control the air and ground with not only better technology and but better trained forces and supplies......the major endangerment to a soldeir is stupidity..
cybersharp, IMO, you have to spend some time becoming informed on the
principle causes of post invasion casualties suffered by our troops in Iraq.
I suggest that your go to a site such as google.com and search for info
on IED or IRDs and the damage they have caused to light American military
vehicles....hum-vees that are not equipped with armor. Also search for info
on RPG's and the damage they can cause. Car bomb would be another search
term to check out, and you should also search ak-47, because each Iraqi
household is allowed to own one of these automatic assault weapons.
Also, can you consider that if a group of armed enemy fighters has several
extra weeks to build and place additional IED's, recruit additional comrades,
located and store weapons in additional well protected attics, cellars, tunnels, <br>and other hiding places in an urban environment, that this enemy
can inflict more casualties on our troops because he has extra time to
build a stronger, better equipped, and better concealed and protected force
than if our military commanders had a green light to attack sooner, if they
chose to?
One point of this thread is to discuss the premise that the Bush administration
may want to delay the use of force by our troops in order to keep news
of new American casualties from influencing voters, even if this is not the
best way to deal with current armed resistance, or be compatible with an oft repeated strategy of giving military commanders authority to determine how
best to counter Iraqi insurgents and "foreign" terrorists.