I'm a tad under 6 foot(seriously I'm like 5' 11" and 3/4s so how would you like that hanging over your head that you can never honestly say you are a 6 footer) and while I admire a tall woman I will admire her from afar. I have a major hangup about being the same height or shorter than a potential mate. I think it stems back to the fact that my dad is like 5'8" and my mom is like 5'7" and when she wears heels she looks down on him and she used to always make jokes about him when he wasn't around.
Besides I like the shorter female because you can pick them up and spin them around and what not and as a consequence I would say the average height of my girlfriends would be right at 5'2-5'3". Not quite a foot in difference(contemplated dating a girl that was 4'11" even but looking back that might have just been a little too petite)
Not so easy to do with someone the same height as you or taller. So I think there is something behind a lot of shorter women wanting a bigger guy to be with as it just might make them feel more "secure" and it might even be more practical(i.e. reaching for things up high etc...).
I would like to see some numbers though of how many tall tall women like 5'9" and above date men significantly shorter than they are.