My observations:
Kerry continued to spew his "plans" but did elaborate a bit on how he intended to pay for them....and actually made some sense this time around.
Bush managed to quote the same three stats his feeble little mind managed to remember way too many times....this made him seem even more hopeless to me.
Kerry showed definate restraint in this debate, and attacked with the same stats his somewhat more capable mind has not only commited to memory, but likely has burned into his retina.
Bush really pushed the "down home cowpoke" bit beyond reason, and actually managed to make an even bigger fool of himself with his attempts to WOW the crowd with humor......pathetic comes to mind.
Kerry tried to appeal to every human in America (except the rich), and most of our pets as well, borderline pandering but possibly effective.
Bush was full blown pandering to his christian base, which turned me off so much I will need a jump in the morning.
All in all, Bush did better here than in the other debates.....which is not a compliment.
Kerry has definately won the debates in this election cycle....regardless of how you try to spin it. It is likely to have very little effect on the election though, as voting irregularities will call the entire thing into question unless (insert all powerful entity here) decides to intervene on our behaf.
Again....just my take.
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha