Originally Posted by ARTelevision
Dangerous perhaps, but I can see it as potentially very popular. This is want people want, after all - to be able to carry their 9/10 mindset forward into the televised future.
This statement is inaccurate. Security is a huge issue with US citizens. We live in a society where a woman hysterical over the presence of arab men on her airplane becomes a brief celebrity even though air marshalls on that same flight basically called her a nut. This is a society where one of the defining issues of a Presidential election revolves around the candidates willingness to invade other nations and how quickly and effectively they wil "kill" the terrorists (both Kerry and Bush love to drop that line). We are a deeply paranoid and hostile nation, plain and simple, including the Democrats and John Kerry.
Others can stockpile duct tape and platic sheeting if that makes them feel more secure. As for myself, I'm going to invest in some no-slip bath mats as I am much more likely to die from slipping in the tub then in a terrorist attack.
Note: vigilance is a good thing, hypervigilance probably isn't.