The pyramid with the year of our nation's creation on the bottom represents our country itself. The pyramid is the building of the country on top of what had been created by the sigining of the declaration. The floating eye is a symbol of the enlightenment that our country can achieve through continuation of our historical traditions. There is a critical link here, because the eye is the symbol of the Bavarian Illuminati (look at my avatar for reference.)
Adam Wieshaput was disgusted by the corrupt church officials of his day, and created the Order of Perfectibilists, later called The Order of the Illuminated of Bavaria in order to form "An association of good men to rid the world of moral evil." (I might have screwed up a few words in the quote, so don't kill me if it doesn't show up on Google.) He revealed his organization to the world on May 5, 1776. Weishaupt himself has been identified by several historians as the mysterious black-cloaked man who delivered the final text of the Declaration of Indepenedence to George Washington*. Along with most of our founding fathers, Weishaupt was a Mason, and spread his ideas through that organization. In order to combat the tyranny of corrupt church officials who held government offices, he created support for the separation of church and state, which has held strong in our country or hundreds of years. A strong, united, secular world power would fit in perfectly with the Illuminated ideal, and our country has become what they wanted it to become.
*- in addition to the US Revolution, The Illuminati were instrumental in the French Revolution. Robespierre, a French Illuminist, recieved documents from Wieshaput detailing plans to incite revolt among the people of France, and was a critical figure in the instigation of the French Revolution.
Also, note that is a far-right-wing site, and the dollar bill info reeks of religious bias, particularly the type that feels that Masonary is a Satanic cult.