So wait... lets go over the reasons why we went to war in Iraq and see which of them turned out to be good ones.
1: Get the WMD
Well, we haven't found those yet. Remember the State of the Union, when Bush was totaling up all the thousands of barrels of WMD Saddam had? Where are they?
2: Fight terrorism
We caught one terrorist who hijacked a cruiseliner about 20 years ago. Go us.
3: Saddam is a bastard who terrorizes his own people.
True. The Saudi rulers aren't that nice either. Or the leaders of those central asian republics who we cozied up to after 9/11, one of who (I think Uzbekistan but it might be Turkmenistan) has been called the new Stalin. If we're going to depose every leader who terrorizes his own citizens we have a long way to go. Hey, why don't we start with Ashcroft!