Last night I massaged a seagull while masturbating with a piece of bologna. I ran out of KY so I just used up the rest of the mayonaisse. When I was done I went to the grocery store and fucked a potato.
I meet this girl named Bambi. So, Bambi's goin' on about how she can make all my fantasies come true. So I says, "Even this one I have where Jesus Christ
is jackhammering Mickey Mouse in the doo-doo hole with a lawn dart as Garth Brooks gives birth to something resembling a cheddar cheese log with almonds on Santa Claus's tummy-tum?" Well, ten beers, twenty minutes and thirty dollars later I'm parkin' the beef bus in tuna town if you know what I mean.
Student Extraordinaire[/FONT]
"The only difference between God and Adolf Hitler
is that God is more proficient at genocide."