I think i should add that that the MMR (measles, mumps, and rebeulla immunization) is contraindicated (big NO NO) in pregnancy. If a woman is of child bearing age, and needs an MMR, a pregnancy test is usually given before the shot. As stated above, the MMR, espically rubella part of the shot, is bad in pregnancy. it is an attenuated virus, and thus, can still infect the baby.
I would imagine that the nurse told your girlfriend no sex for 6 weeks, not six months.
the The 2003 Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule. Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
"Rubella component: Give 1 dose of MMR to women whose rubella vaccination history is unreliable, and counsel women to avoid becoming pregnant for 4 weeks after vaccination. For women of child-bearing age, regardless of birth year, routinely determine rubella immunity and counsel women about congenital rubella syndrome."
4 weeks is the LEAST you should wait to have intercourse.
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