I have this type of thing happen to me with street lights randomly and its always when Im stressed out or thinking to a point where im almost in a hypnotic state. My wife will testify in times of high stress I blow out our porch light every single time, I used to do it to the bedroom light but it seems if I do not touch it the lamp is fine. Another odd thing happened about 6 months ago we had the battery replaced on our saturn by the dealer also the battery posts which are side posts. Well these were brand new and I lifted the hood to check fluids before we went to the local theme park , the car was turned off and we had gotten into an argument about my wifes crazy mother, well as I was cussing up a storm in my head,the post made a loud electric zapping sound like a snap and the post blew clean off. I dont know if I caused it , I have actually been trying to figure this out for myself. I used to tell myself I was crazu but when others around you notice it you have to wonder.