Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights
I grow increasingly weary of the incessant prattle brought forth by those that, for whatever reason, cannot, or will not, contribute anything to the community beyond lamenting the demise of the allmighty Titty Board. My patience is about at an end here. It's gone. Get over it. You want it back? Look beyond its loss, and start replying to threads other than "Bring Back the Titty Board", and viola...before you know it...there it is again. How much easier can we make it?
I think it's cool to be able to communicate with people that acutally understand sentences containing words like "incessant prattle" and "lamenting the demise". I don't know how humurous that is but I like it. If you want to see the globular pendants of womanhood spend a little time showing us that you are adult enough to appreciate them. Only infants get a tit for doing nothing.
P.S. Is this the conversation that never ends or what?