Originally Posted by Antikarma
It's incredible how one using their right to free speech makes them a target. Its incredible how, since I disagree with you, I must be an asshole bleeding heart. Whats most incredible of all, is you assume that because she's against the missile defence shield she's anti-American. She never once made an anti-American comment, she made an anti-Bush/Anti-Missile defense shield comment.
Actually the first time that she got noticed in this manner (it must have been minutes 1 through 4 of her 15 minute allotment) she managed to call "Americans" in general bastards, and claimed that she hated them. sounds fairly anti-American to me.
Having said (typed) that, would like to point out that I do not agree 100% with UFKUO, and support that (most American of) instution "free Speech". Let Ms Parrish sink or swim according to her ustilization of the fine weapon of free speech.
During the meanwhile, I dislike being lumped into just one camp or another simply just because i don't agree 100% with what UFKUO posted. It sounds very much like the 'you're either with us or against us' statement of Mr. McCArthy. ooops I mean Bush.