Tylor - I think it is a good idea that you started this thread. People who go to Staples to get all their computer gear need to be ripped off anyway. Don't give me the small town mumbo either fellows - the internet is your friend in buying computer parts. It is not like Tylor said - flame me since I work at Staples so I can defend them. He said - ask me anything about my job or whatever you think I can share.
That being said, I was wondering about the best deals on paper. Good paper makes all the difference when printing, but some of the stuff is a total rip. Any secrets on what paper you would buy for high quality printing yourself?
Since you work in machines, I will ask another one that is closer to home: regardless of price and whether or not I would buy it at Staples or anywhere else, what is the best printer for the money being spent? For example A $2000 laser printer can still be a great value when what you are getting is maybe better than comparable $4000 lasers. Same with a $400 injet ect.
Finally, do you have any experience or knowledge of Samsung Laser Printers? What do you think?
Thanks again for starting the thread and your advice.
All truth passes through three stages:
First it is ridiculed
Second, it is violently opposed and
Third, it is accepted as self-evident.