I don't really understand the backwards baseball cap thing. It looks a bit silly to me and if not using it for the shade of the bill I don't see why one would wear it at all as they are not particularly becoming but to each his own. As for judging that person by the backwards cap...I don't know. I know they probably wouldn't fit in with myself or my friends but thats not neccasarily a bad thing. Everybody has different standards and live differently so who am I to tell them how to dress. Now when I see some yahoo in a reasonably nice restaurant, often with a nicely dressed date and they are wearing their ball cap inside (backwards or not) I think them a cretin and believe they should be forcibly ejected from the premises. Yes everyone has their "right" to do as they wish but there really should be some amount of civility. If you want to wear your hat inside eat at MacDonald's and no one will care. If I'm paying for the atmosphere and food of a nice restaurant or even reasonably nice restaurant then respect your fellow diners, respect your self and remove the hat. Perhaps a shower and comb before your date and you won't need the cap at all!