host, i'm not sure if we agree or not...I do like the info in your post, but i don't see wehre you went with it..
I think i agree with the message ,the war on terror seems seriously flawed and the "all fear, all the time" card being played.
I just think the 'average' american would prefer to leave the safety of the country in the hands of the intel agencies and people who know what they are doing and get on with life instead of constantly being bombarded wtih doom and gloom messages, a terror alert system that goes a whopping 2 steps beyond a stop light and a president whose message is, "you're for us or you're against us"
I guess i dont' see black and white as well as i take pictures in greyscale

I simply don't understand the republican party anymore....I mean, you're right, the RNC was "we're doomed if kerry is elected, we need strong leadership' even if he's wrong...strong and wrong is better? I dont' get it. I'd rather have a multi-tasking govt, i guess...I like knowing someone is worrying about issues other than whom to bomb today...