Salute to all of you.
I'm not wearing a helmet. Well, sometimes. In the rain. I can appreciate what you say, but "it just happened" is to ride in itself. Then again , I'm just about the most paranoid rider you will probably ever meet. I've lost more friends who died with a lid on than I'm willing to share here. You think that helmet is going to save your ass, then you shouldn't be riding in the first place.
Ful... gonzo...
Nice to meet another Shovel rider. I think it's the most... uh.... "beautiful"... engine ever placed on a motorcycle frame. How's she running? Mine *loves* this time of year.
I'm catching up with ya. Don't think you're the only "old fart" on this board. :-) And GoldWings are the bikes that made me respect Japanese motorcycles. I rode one for 2 years in Spain, and that bike INSISTED on going places. And believe me, we WENT. Yum.
Last edited by timbuk2; 10-11-2004 at 10:33 PM..