a couple key things when looking for a used bike. make sure its not a salvage title. they are really low priced but have been in an accident that may have damaged the frame, motor, forks, ect. you can also tell by the wear and tear on the bike what kind of rider the owner was. if the chain is all rusty, and the teeth on the rear sproket are worn out, that could mean that they didnt maintain the bike. the chain is easily maintenanced, and if that isnt taken care of, who knows what kind of condition the rest of the bike is in. you can also read tires... ask them what they used the bike for. i wouldnt buy a bike from a rider that used it to stunt, maybe commute. one who also used it to race meant that the bike has been ridden hard.
there are alot of bikes for sale, i would suggest going to a local dealership and checking out the used bikes there. then compare when checking out private ads.