2. What the hell is up with the, "ew, it looks like a child/10 year old/little girl"?? Focus, people, it's a shaved body part and nothing more. If you keep thinking about a naked 10 year old girl then I don't know what to tell ya... that's like saying, "ew, I won't shave my face. Makes me look like a boy!" or "Ew, that guy just shaved, he looks like a boy!!"
You've never seen a guy that if he shaves he looks 10 years younger than he would with a little facial hair? If I shave my face I go from looking like a 26 year old to a 15 year old. And sorry but a bald cooter screams "MINOR" to me. As I got older I got used to seeing that area of a woman with at least SOME hair there. My first..barely had any hair on the field so to speak and when I see a bald one that's what I think of and I'd prefer not to think of a teenager when I'm doing that.