The Fate of XBL
guthmund, i doubt we are going to see EverQuest on the Xbox anytime soon. EverQuest is made by Sony gunna take a guess and say that they dont want Microsoft making a profit off their game.
Besides thats not why Xbox Live will succede. Think of XBL as a primer. Once Microsoft gets enough saturation of the market, then they can launch their XB2 in like 4 years and have killer launch titles with anything from FPS, MMORPGS, Online Racing, Sports and much much more.
As for now, im happy with upcomming games like Strident, True Fantasy Online, Fable, HL2 (Yes it is being coded for PC/Xbox only!) Starcraft Ghosts, RB6: Raven Shield and perhaps (not yet announced but speculated...) World Of Warcraft and Star Wars Galaxies. Meanwhile just sit back and play some RTCW: Tides of War, PSO I&II, Ghost Recon (w/expansion), Splinter Cell and Halo.