Lockjaw, no worries! Like I mentioned, amount of smoke flavor is subjective. When we go camping/fishing, my uncle always smokes the fresh caught trout, and he always uses hickory & mesquite, and a lot of it. It always tasted WAY too smokey for me, maybe that's whay I gravitated towards the lighter smoke woods.
About the finish temperatures of the meat: Forget what you know about cooking "regular" beef roasts. Barbecue meats (brisket, ribs, pork shoulder) won't be done and fall-apart tender until they reach those really high internal temperatures (brisket:185, pork shoulder:195). If you like rare beef, it better to stick to a rib roast or tri-tip and cook at higher temperatures (300-350 degrees) to an internal temp of 125 or so. Much different process compared to BBQ brisket.
I "discovered" this way of cooking about a year and a half ago, and I have had a lot of fun (and compliments) since. If I can pass some of my know-how along, then I'll be happy!
If you have any poo... fling it NOW!