Originally Posted by jamessh1
your chest and your back are the biggest muscle groups in your upper body, so you'll probably want to spend more time on your back since your current regime is excluding them. The comment about working your lower body is right on the money, I remember my buddies always telling if you want a bigger upper body, work your lower body (something about the leg muscles being the largest in the body and thus creating the most testosterone, i think).
Yes! if you do squats and deadlift it will help you get big everywhere. Not just your legs, which you probably need anyway. Both exercises release the most muscle growth hormones.
Actually, deadlift will almost work every muscle in your body. I think The biggest problem with people not doing these exercises is that if they haven't ever done them before they won't try them for the fear of looking stupid. Ask someone to show you! Or they could be too lazy I suppose. Make sure if you start doing squats and deadlifts then eat a bunch after. You'll be starving about a half hour after, trust me.
day 1 Back and Bi and deadlift(10 10 8 6 4) adding weight each set
day 2 chest triceps
day 3 Shoulders legs(squats)
Always do your deadlifts and squats first, most important. SO if you don't have any energy afterward to do anything else then it won't matter as much you'll still get big.