Originally Posted by Ustwo
The government handles lawsuit costs by not allowing you to sue them at all. Its how they work in military hospitals (which suck during peace time) and how they work with all of their agencies. My wife was almost killed by a post office semi-trailer who didn’t see her stopped at a red light, and obviously didn’t see the red light. Since it was a post office vehicle we were unable to sue for anything. Had it been a private company it would have cost them about $30,000 due to her injuries.
I have no interest in engaging in the rest of this debate. You obviously have strong opinions on this matter and I doubt that anything I told you could change your mind.
However, just as an FYI, this isn't true. You can sue the post office if their truck hits you. I don't know what lawyer told you differently, but you can. To the extent this was the basis for any of your opinions, please rejigger them accordingly.
I don't know about military hospitals. I imagine it has less to do with sovereign immunity than it does with the peculiar status of being in the military when you are treated by other military personnel.
Finally, in contrast to what someone else said, I doubt you can sue an individual postal worker, unless you claim some sort of civil rights violation....and even then I think it would need to be the state/feds that sued them. Same as with suing police officers.
Have fun with the flamewar!