I do think that late abortion is distressing to all those involved and wherever possible should be avoided. Does that sound reasonable to everyone here? Wouldn't it make sense to continue this discussion from some shared point of agreement?
I often notice that the pro-choice people fail to aknowledge the fact that there are so many less painfull and disturbing alternatives to abortion, and as such, can sometimes come across almost eager for doctors to start ripping babies out left, right and centre. Isn't it worth exploring those alternatives and deciding what pro's and cons they might have. Might it be possible to find a solution acceptable to both parties?
There will never be a consensus on this. I respect a pro-abortionists unwaivering stance on the issue, however it is not what I believe and I will always support it being outlawed just as I know they will always support choice.
If you were to meet in the middle then a Pro-Life advocate would then be supporting murder and a pro-abortionist would be stripping themselves of rights they feel they deserve. I don't ever expect this issue to be resolved. However everyone has the right to take a stand on the issue.