Thanks for the advice guys...
Originally Posted by Boo
After last years viewing of a rather large griz near Eureka, I am convinced that nothing is strong enough if the bear really wants you.
I agree. I think that with most good size bears you are not going to
completely stop them with anything that you would want to regularly carry hiking. A man shot a bear a few weeks ago in Anchorage while walking his dog... he got 5 shots into it with a .44 revolver and was able to stop it, but still didn't kill it..
Originally Posted by Boo
When shot placement can be the difference between life and death, I am more apt to recommend that you purchase a gun that you can shoot as much as possible.
Another reason I was looking into something smaller. I shot my brother in law's .454 that he carrys as a bear gun a few times and after 6 shots or so my arm was so tired I could barely shoot it anymore. Not to mention the fact that it is so heavy I think I would have a hard time drawing it and aiming it fast enough to be effective. AND it would be expensive to practice with.
Maybe I just need to quit complaining and go with something of size (bigger is always better afterall
Thanks for all of the good advice!